Contact Us! How to reach out to the Aquilini Centre Office.

Getting in touch with your property management office can be intimidating! Should I call? Email? Text? Is there someone specific I need to talk to? Worry not! Below is your guide to get in touch with your Aquilini Centre property management team.


Email is always the best way to get in touch with us 🙂 Emails allow our team to take the time to find the best answer to your questions and contact the relevant parties, ensuring you get an accurate response.

    • always the best place to reach out to if you aren’t sure! Contract changes, general questions about the buildings, inquiring about visitor parking or reporting minor repairs needed within your unit can all be directed here!
    • If you aren’t sure to who reach out to- direct it here and we will pass the information along.
    • ps. include ACS or ACW and your unit number in the subject line for the fastest reply
    • Inquire about our current availabilities, this is where you should tell friends to reach out if they are looking to rent!


Our office number is 604-676-9501. This is where you should reach out if you have a problem requiring immediate attention. Any emergencies should be reported here during office hours. The emergency line is active outside of business hours for any issues that threaten the safety of tenants or the structural integrity of the building. For life-threatening emergencies, you should always contact the authorities

Please remember that as your property management office we are here to help you 🙂 We receive countless inquiries daily, and behind the phone and computer screen, we are just people trying to do our jobs! We always appreciate your patience and understanding.